David Popoola

David Popoola
Undergraduate & Software Engineer
David Popoola is a final year undergraduate student at the University of Lagos studying
Systems Engineering. He is a software engineer skilled in back-end engineering, machine
learning and computer vision. He has had software engineering internships at top
technology startups in Nigeria including Teamapt, Delivery Science, Onboardbase,
contributing to product teams, building solutions to problems and new product features
end to end.
In March 2019, David participated in the pioneer edition of HackathonForJustice, a yearly
team hackathon organised by AfricaTeenGeeks, United Nations Office for Drugs and
Crime(UNODC) and Facebook, and won the first placed team award for prototyping a
solution that aids authorities fight the illegal human trafficking practice. Exactly a year later
in March 2020, he participated in the annual Zindi Inter-University AI hackathon, a machine
learning competition for university students in Africa organised by Zindi, and ended up in
the top 10 ranked teams, at the competition’s intermediate level category.
With modern breakthroughs in the AI field such as deep learning algorithms (and a wider
family of techniques being applied to everyday problems), cheaper cloud computing, David
is working on a project that leverages these to help build AI driven solutions that help with
crop diseases and could have far reaching impact on the entire value chain of agriculture in
Nigeria and Sub Saharan Africa.