Victor Ojo Oluwaseun

Victor Ojo Oluwaseun
Medical Researcher and Founder at FavoriteDoctor.
Victor Ojo Oluwaseun is an entrepreneur and a medical researcher. He is a graduate of The Federal University of Technology Akure with a major in Applied Geophysics. His love for solving problems paved his way into founding FavouriteDoctor which is geared at preventing avoidable deaths due to bad health care services in Nigeria, having lost a loved one from the horrible state of the Nigerian healthcare system. He is currently a supervisor of the nationwide study (4YBY RCT implementation) working with the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research.
Advancing healthcare in Africa has always been his drive and passion. Over the years, he has steadily built and positioned himself within the health care sector. He believes achieving universal health care coverage is possible, and what he does at FavouriteDoctor proves just this. He and his team at Favourite Doctor are currently building a platform that relates more than health to users. They provide health care continuity that is currently missing in Nigeria and other developing countries. He is one of 2019 The Bridge Program Fellows, who stood out as one of the brightest and most determined young persons the program had that year.
His love for solving problems led him and his team to emerge as one of the winners in solving HIV related issues within adolescents, this made him cofound iUngo HIV self-test Nigeria an HIV Adolescent research project with partners ranging across Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), New York University (NYU) Langone Health, and Lagos State AIDS control agency.
During the pandemic, to help flatten the curve his team developed an interactive game app (COVID SMASH) for young adults by informing them in a fun and creative manner concerning the novel coronavirus. They also developed a COVID self-assessment guide that follows Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) guidelines which allow patients who are worried about COVID-19 to access doctors concerning their health from their homes. Through this, they
referred suspected COVID patients to the nearest NCDC facility within their locality.
In August 2020 his team received recognition and monetary support from Oxfam Nigeria and the Nigerian Youth SDGs. In December 2020, his team secured a grant from Oxfam International and Work in Progress
Alliance. They also Secured grants from ITEST Nigeria and NIMR during World AIDS DAY. He is challenged to do big things, loves to travel, learn, and try new things.